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,于我心有戚戚焉,可见这是人类共有的心理特征,并非我故作惊人之语或故意无病呻吟。《管锥编》第三册第二十六节全汉文卷四二论“至美无类,皆能使敏感者下类。”(Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears),可谓听曲识真之言。钱先生还提到:“文词之美使人心痛”(The excruciating beauty of the language! The beauty of it brings tears to one’s eyes.),一样的道理。还有人说:“心理学谓人感受美物,辄觉心隐然痛,心怦然跃,背如冷水浇,眶有热泪滋等种种反应。(A glow, a pang in the breast, a fullness of breathing, a flutter of the heart, a shiver down the b 页码:[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 第5页、共7页