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  • 这个夏天,你的服装够dry吗?[组图]
  • 身轻如燕走天下——炉头[图文]
  • 滑雪装备——滑雪镜
  • 滑雪旅行装备清单
  • 户外用品面料和配件之列表
  • NIKWAX衣服类保养用品介绍  
    and environment safe.
    Available in 5 oz., 10 oz., 16.9 oz., 33.8 oz. and 169 oz. size bottles.
    特别适用于象单层帐篷和野营袋(帐)那样不能用机器洗涤的衣物或用灯芯材料编织的衬里。可以减小织物的吸水性,优化其透气性。快速方便的操作可以在任何时间和地点用于干的或湿的织物上。适用于Gore-Tex, Ultrex, 和Entrant的材料。无浮质、不易燃、环保。
    国外售价:10盎司,12.5刀 16.9盎司,21刀 33.8盎司,35.95刀 
    Shake well before use. Check volume guide to make sure that there is enough treatment to completely cover item. Jacket - 5 oz. one-piece suit - 12 oz. pants - 5 oz. gaiters - 2.5 oz. gloves - 2 oz. bivy sack - 12 oz. Apply to clean garment. TX-Direct is a permanent coating. Do not spray over dirt or apply unevenly. Spray evenly and generously to the outside of the garment. Check carefully that no areas have been missed. Smooth out runs and remove excess with a damp cloth. If care label allows tumble dry on low heat setting. Otherwise hang dry but check for and remove further drips or runs after a f

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