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  • 身轻如燕走天下——炉头[图文]
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  • 户外用品面料和配件之列表
  • NIKWAX衣服类保养用品介绍  
    Heals micro-cracks by sealing leaky areas. Lasts several washings. Safe on Gore-Tex, Ultrex, and Entrant.
    Available in 5 oz., 10 oz., 33.8 oz. and 169 oz. size bottles.
    洗涤时用,该产品可完全渗入衣物以确保不漏掉任何区域。减少织物的吸水性,优化其透气性。弥补衣物接缝处的微小漏痕。经受数次的洗涤仍可保持其效用。适用于Gore-Tex, Ultrex, 和 Entrant的材料。
    国处售价:10盎司,10.95刀  33.8盎司,31.95刀

    TX-Direct Spray-On
    Ideal for garments with knitted wicking linings or gear that should not be machine washed such as single wall tents & bivy sacks. Reduces the water-absorbency of the outer fabric, optimizing breathability. Quick and easy application can be used anywhere, anytime on wet or dry fabric. Lasts several washings. Safe on Gore-Tex, Ultrex, and Entrant. Non-aerosol, non-flammable

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