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  • 身轻如燕走天下——炉头[图文]
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  • 户外用品面料和配件之列表
  • NIKWAX衣服类保养用品介绍  
    Tech Wash
    Removes dirt and detergent residue leaving water-repellency intact. Non-detergent and bio-degradable. Improves the performance of any fabric, fleece or synthetic insulation. Use as a pre-wash for Nikwax treatments for best results. Can be applied directly to remove grease spots or stains. Ideal for protecting the water-repellency on new garments.
    国外售价:10盎司,8.5刀 33.8盎司,23.95刀

    TX Direct Wash-In
    Wash-in treatment completely immerses garments assuring that no areas are missed. Reduces the water-absorbency of the outer fabric, optimizing breathability.

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