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    oyed myself that
    Except the guide and the driver, there were only 4 men in our group. Two
    airline hostesses from Dalian, a lady from Beijing and I. The guide, whose name
    was ZhangYu-jie, she said we could called her Little Zhang. I didn’t know she
    was younger than me or not and I still call her Miss Zhang. She dressed Naxi
    clothing but she was Han nationality. The two girls from Dalian said that a
    Naxi driver almost cheated them yesterday. The driver said he knew him and he
    was Han nationality not Naxi.
    At the side of the road to Yulong Mountain, there was a monument for
    HongKong People who denoted money to Lijiang People after the earthquake took
    place some years ago. But all Chinese People helped Lijiang in that moment, why
    a monument could remember only HongKong People? Miss Zhang told us because
    HongKong People sew money in the clothes which were given to Lijiang as they
    worried that if they gave money directly, the money would be corrupted by the
    leader, then when the Lijiang People received the clothes, they got the money
    with a lot of surprise and grate. It could be seen that HongKong was really a
    part of China, as the HongKong People knew Chinese so well.
    With the mov

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