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China, but it’s not more beautiful than any small hill of Guizhou.” I disliked Northeast men because they were so rough. But the gentleman knew travel much, though not more than me, the places which he had been were more. He told me Dragon & Tiger Mountain was a good place. In Huangguoshu, I found what’s wrong with my camera, but I paid a high price. And at last, I couldn’t go to Tianxing Bridge. But, in any case, I got one day additional. How could I use it? First, I decided to give this day to Guiyang or Sanjiang, but on second thoughts, Dragon & Tiger Mountain got the chance. Because of the price, my films were not enough, I went shopping for it, but either in the supermarket or in the mall, there weren’t films on sale. Oh, utterly detestable, ZhouJie lived in such a place, so dirty, so dilapidated, so backward, even worse than Tianjin. 7贵阳两地 无怪陈婷不会骑车,贵阳和重庆、青岛一样,已具备了发达国家的表象:马路上绝少有自行 车。 那东北司机说,别看贵黄高速只是两车道,已是贵州第二好的公路了,而最好的贵遵高速有 四个车道。而实际情况是:除了刚出贵阳的一段,绝大部分依旧是两车道或三车道。遵义不愧是革 命名城,在这里,我见到了久违的太阳。 在青龙洞上俯瞰镇远,还是座不错的小城,但既已拜读过声讨的文章,总觉得那吊脚楼看上 去有些别扭,似乎过于新了些。而河这边从火车站到青龙洞这一路上则是标准的毫无特色的脏、 乱、差。 第三天的上午原本是打算休息的, 页码:[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] 第10页、共18页
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