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利 。酒店按照四星级标准重新装修,由香港皇城国际酒店管理有限公司提供专业 及 现代化的管理服务。酒店别具匠心的设计尽显您的尊贵和高尚,色彩淡雅、装 饰 精美的客房设施为您提供倍感舒适、温馨的私人空间和超凡享受;设备先进、 功 能齐全的娱乐及康乐设施令您舒展身心,独享悠闲。荟萃中西的餐饮设施及专 业 体贴的服务让你溶于醇醪佳肴之中而尽显富庶。 Shenyang - The capital city of Liaoning Province as well as the political, economic, culture and transportation hub in North East China. It has the advantages of superior geographical location, abundant resources, welldeveloped transportation networks and complete functionality of a modern city. As the ancient capital of the last imperial Ching dynasty, has a history 
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