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新疆石河子市银丰实业有限公司凯瑞酒店 |
sp;Triple Rooms. All rooms and suites are tastefully appointed and equipped with services such as Fridge, Mini Bar, IDD/DDD, Cable TV, and Broadband Internet service. Kerry Hotel is committed to provide high level of service to ensure our guests will enjoy a smooth and successful stay. 会议设施Conference Facilities 设在二层的多功能厅可同时容纳250余人,PC投影仪、活动屏幕、电话会议系统等各式现代化的设施齐全,是您商务活动、推广、婚宴及大型联欢会的理想场所;另有两间可容纳20人的小型会议厅,可以满足您不同的商务需求。 The Grand Ballroom is fully furnished with modern conference facilities such as PC Projector, Mobile Screen, and Visual Phone Meeting S 页码:[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 第7页、共8页